Simplify Series...

Hi all,


Firstly, I hope you are all well and thank you for your support for our small business over the last few days/week. It has been an unprecedented week in terms of change and uncertainty for all of us and I encourage you to give yourself 10 minutes to have a cup of tea, have a stretch, turn on some music or do something simple and comforting. If you’re anything like me, then during times of uncertainty, I like to nest – to bunker down and get things sorted at home. It gives me a clear sense of purpose and focus (spoken like a control freak, I know!).


Hannah and I started Simplify My Home because we saw the massive impact organisational systems had on our home, our mental health and our lives. At a time when it’s likely we may be more housebound, restoring order to the home can give you a real sense of calm.


We wanted to do something special for our community and connect us all during the pandemic. So, inspired by @thehomeedit, we’ve made our own organisational series – Simplify - 20 days to a tidy and organised home.



We know there’s a lot on your plate at the moment, so every second day we will be releasing a new area and tip for organising it. We hope this gives you time between the daily grind to get something sorted that you’ve been putting off or just haven’t had time to prioritise.


Look out for our #simplifyseries posts on Facebook and Instagram every second day and follow along. If it’s all starting to feel too hard or you’re feeling overwhelmed, go back to our Simplify process:

- Take everything out

- Group

- Discard

- Label (if applicable)

- Rehome


We’d love you to follow us for 20 Days as we share our insights and tips and share with us your progress. Please send us your ‘before and afters’ too!

The series starts on Monday 30th March, so turn on your notifications and let’s restore a bit of routine in the weeks ahead.


Can’t wait to get started,

Amanda & Hannah xx


Just reading your blog. Presumably this was last year. Can you please send me the Simplify – 20 days to a tidy and organised home. I do not have access to instagram or Facebook to access this. Thanks.

Heather Scarlett July 09, 2021

Thank you girls! This will motivate me to tidy and declutter. It will give me a focus during lockdown. I look forward to Monday 30 March.😀😀

Linda Reid July 09, 2021

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Absolutely love the jars! Airtight, sleek look and makes my life so much easier being so organised.

by Abi F. - Verified Buyer